Celebrate CERN 70 years
Datum och tid
onsdag, 15 maj 2024 10:00 - 16:00
Lund University, Astronomihuset, Lundmarksalen
Sölvegatan 27,
223 62 Lund,
(Google maps)
CERN, which lies on the border between Switzerland and France, houses the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments. Have you ever wondered whether CERN could be the next stage in your career? Come and find out more!
Lunch seminar – opportunities for students, 12.15
Join us at a lunch seminar to hear the experiences of Ayla Borglund, Developer and Project Coordinator at CERN, and Jonas Strandberg, professor at KTH with a background at CERN.
They will tell us about the exciting opportunities available for students.
Lunch (vegetarian) is included if you register in advance. You can just turn up on the day, but then lunch is not guaranteed.
Exhibition – open all day, 10:00-16.00
Come and look round the exhibition, and learn more about the research conducted at the facility. The exhibits show examples of equipment that Swedish groups are developing for various detector and accelerator projects at CERN.
We will be in Lundmarksalen at Astronomihuset.
Evening event: Science Showcase – at Stadshallen, 18.00
Welcome to the Science Showcase, with stories from scientists and engineers about science, life and adventures at CERN. An exhibition will be open from 17.00.
Please note that the seminar and the evening event will be held in English.
About CERN, the world's most advanced instruments, and the opportunities available to Swedish students
Ayla BorglundDeveloper and Project Coordinator at CERN
Jonas StrandbergProfessor at KTH and with a background at CERN

Stay for discussion and questions
Evening activity: Science Showcase – at Stadshallen
Sweden is one of CERN’s 23 member countries. This gives Swedish students at all degree levels the opportunity to apply to CERN’s various student programmes.
More information
If you require any further information, feel free to contact us.
- Jonas Strandberg, KTH, jostran@kth.se
- Arnaud Ferrari, UU, arnaud.ferrari@physics.uu.se
- Hannah Herde, LU, hannah.herde@fysik.lu.s
- Sara Strandberg, SU, strandberg@fysik.su.se